Past Articles: Volumes 40-49

1991 - Volume 49

Issue 2 - Spring 1991

  • Glynnis Burt, “Creating Incentives to Market Mifepristone: No-Fault Insurance for Drug-Caused Birth Defects” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Jacqueline R Castel, “Women's Sexual Exploitation in Therapy” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 42.

  • Catherine Peters, “Excluding Women from the Toxic Workplace: Genuine Fetal Protection or Impermissible Discrimination?” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 68.

  • Jim Russell, “Reproductive Health: The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women as a Catalyst for Change in Colombia” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 106.

  • Anthony MC Alexander, “"By the Light and Law of Nature, They Shall Be Judged": A Study of the Synchronicity of Law and Religion in Late Eighteenth-Century Nova Scotia” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 147.

  • Duff Conacher, “Power to the People: Initiative, Referendum, Recall and the Possibility of Popular Sovereignty in Canada” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 174.

  • Brian Donovan, “The Role of Causation Under s.24(2) of the Charter: Nine Years of Inconclusive Jurisprudence” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 233.

  • Paul A Beke, “The Objective Fault Standard in Weinrib's Theory of Negligence: An Incoherence”, Note (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 262.

  • Paul J Collins, “The Law and Economics of "Abuse of Dominant Position": An Analysis of NutraSweet”, Note (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 275.

  • Derek Rowsell, “Necessity and Reliability: What is the Impact of Khan on the Admissibility of Hearsay in Canada?” (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 294.

  • Fred R Pletcher, Book Reviews of Peaceful Measures: Canada's Way Out of the 'War on Drugs' by Bruce K Alexander and The Drug Solution: Regulating Drugs According to Principles of Efficiency, Justice and Democracy by Chester Nelson Mitchell, (1991) 49:2 UT Fac L Rev 310.

Issue 1 - Winter 1991

  • Rebecca Clements, “Misconceptions of Culture: Native Peoples and Cultural Property under Canadian Law” (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Kathleen Gallivan, “Sexual Harassment after Janzen v Platy: The Transformative Possibilities” (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 27.

  • Robyn Martin, “Legitimizing Judicial Review under the Charter: Democracy or Distrust?” (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 62.

  • Carol A Stephenson, “Religious Exercises and Instruction in Ontario Public Schools” (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 82.

  • Eric Wolfhard, “International Trade in Intellectual Property: The Emerging GATT Regime” (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 106.

  • Eugene Cipparone, “Discursive and Non-Discursive Symbolism: The Impact of the Charter as a Symbol of Rights Protection”, Note (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 152.

  • Monique Rabideau, “Duarte v R: In Fear of Big Brother”, Note (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 171.

  • Hamish Stewart, “What Is a Social Critic? Or The End of Beatty (At Least as We Have Known Him)”, Note (1991) 49:1 UT Fac L Rev 186.

1990 - Volume 48

Issue 2 - Spring 1990

  • Christopher Aide, “A More Comprehensive Soul: Romantic Conceptions of Authorship and the Copyright Doctrine of Moral Right” (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 211.

  • Jacqueline R Castel, “Discerning Justice for Battered Women who Kill” (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 229.

  • Timothy J Lewis, “A Hegelian Theory of Nuisance Law” (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 259.

  • Cliff Prophet, “Public Participation, Executive Discretion and Environmental Assessment: Confused Norms, Uncertain Limits” (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 279.

  • Rob Cunningham, “Cigarette Advertising and Freedom of Expression: the Case for the Tobacco Products Control Act” (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 304.

  • Michael Halewood, “Men, Sex and Power” (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 329.

  • Mark Crawford, Book Review of The Charter of Rights and the Legalization of Politics in Canada by Michael Mandel, (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 334.

  • David Roney, Book Review of Law and The Community: The End. of Individualism? by Alan Hutchinson & Leslie Green, (1990) 48:2 UT Fac L Rev 342.

Issue 1 - Winter 1990

  • Mark Crawford, “Regimes of Tolerance: A Communitarian Approach to Freedom of Expression and Its Limits” (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Dirk Derstine & Shamash Nathu, “Workers' Compensation in Ontario: A Decade of Reform” (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 22.

  • Robert Highley, “Copyright Law and Computer Display Screens” (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 48.

  • David Ross, “Beyond the Soviet Invasion: Afghanistan and the Concept of Self-Determination” (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 92.

  • Jeffrey Trossman, “Merger Review Under the Competition Act: The Meaning of "Substantial Lessening of Competition" (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 117.

  • John Koch, “Making Room: New Directions in Third Party Intervention” (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 151.

  • Neville McClure, “Duty to All and Duty to None: Jane Doe v Board of Commissioners of Police for the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto” (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 168.

  • Scott Lyall & Anita Szigeti, Book Review of Towards A Feminist Theory of the State by Catharine A MacKinnon, (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 185.

  • Linden Green Frelick, Book Review of Illicit Drugs in Canada: A Risky Business by Judith C Blackwell and Patricia G Erickson, eds, (1990) 48:1 UT Fac L Rev 191.

1989 - Volume 47

Issue 3 - Autumn 1989

  • Heather I Kerr, “Can Dividend Tax Credits be Linked to Corporate Level Tax?” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 671.

  • Randall Schwartz, “The VAT and Housing” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 718.

  • Jeffrey Trossman, “Government Policy and Retirement Saving: The Proposed Reforms” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 742.

  • Susan M Hutton, “Physician Freedom of Contract in Ontario: An Economic Justification for the Ban on Extra-Billing, with Some Recommendations for Structural Change” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 780.

  • Karen M McArthur, “Through Her Looking Glass: PMS on Trial” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 825.

  • David G Duff & Roxanne Mykitiuk, “Parental Separation and the Child Custody Decision: Toward a Reconception” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 874.

  • Peter Lin, “Wittgenstein, Language, and Legal Theorizing: Toward a Non-Reductive Account of Law” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 939.

  • Robert Yalden, “Liberalism and Language in Quebec: Bill 101, the Courts, and Bill 178” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 973.

  • Lisa Brownstone, “Self-Determination and the Palestinians: The Right Moment?” (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 995.

  • Shauna van Praagh & Barbara Austin, Book Review of Feminist Perspectives: Philosophical Essays on Method and Morals by Lorraine Code, Sheila Mullett & Christine Overall, eds, (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 1016.

  • Gail Henley, Book Review of Sexual Assault: The Dilemma of Disclosure: The Question of Conviction by Rita Gunn & Candice Minch, (1989) 47:3 UT Fac L Rev 1020.

Issue 2 - Spring 1989

  • Jody Freeman, “Justifying Exclusion: A Feminist Analysis of the Conflict between Equality and Association Rights” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 269.

  • Keith Ferguson, “Dispute Settlement Under the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 317.

  • Melissa Gillespie, “AIDS: Detection and Control” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 354.

  • Barnet Kussner, “AIDS-Based Discrimination in the Workplace: Issues and Answers” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 383.

  • Lily Harmer, “The Right to Strike: Charter Implications and Interpretations” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 420.

  • Peter Lindsay, “The Implications of R v Vaillancourt: Much Ado About Nothing?” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 465.

  • Gordon P Crann, “Morgentaler and American Theories of Judicial Review: the Roe v Wade Debate in Canadian Disguise?” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 499.

  • David G Duff, “Evidentiary Privilege for Hospital Quality Assurance and Risk Management: Assessing Statutory Reform” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 526.

  • Timothy AO Endicott, “The Conscience of the King: Christopher St. German and Thomas More and the Development of English Equity” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 549.

  • Billy Garton, “The Character of Aboriginal Title to Canada's West Coast Territorial Sea” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 571.

  • Paula Hurwitz, “The New Detention Provisions of the Immigration Act: Can They Withstand a Charter Challenge?” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 587.

  • Yvonne Penning, “The 1986 Bell Rate Case: Can Economic Policy and Legal Formalism be Reconciled?” (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 607.

  • Cathy Laurier, Book Review of When Freedoms Collide: The Case for our Civil Liberties by A Alan Borovoy, (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 641.

  • DJ McMahon, Book Review of Governments in Conflict? Provinces and Indian Nations in Canada by Anthony Long & Menno Boldt, eds, (1989) 47:2 UT Fac L Rev 650.

Issue 1 - Fall 1988

  • Catherine Tolton, “Medicolegal Implications of Constitutional Status for the Unborn: "Ambulatory Chalices" or "Priorities and Aspirations"” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Michael Alexander, “Censorship and the Limits of Liberalism” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 58.

  • Rebecca Weatherhead, “Psychotropic Drug Treatment Refusal by Competent Psychiatric Patients” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 101.

  • Robert Yalden, “Liberalism and Canadian Constitutional Law: Tensions in an Evolving Vision of Liberty” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 132.

  • Gordon Crann, “How Far Does the Charter Reach? A Theoretical Review of the Section 32(1) Debate and Canada's Emerging "Governmental Action" Doctrine” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 156.

  • Robert Howse, “Civil Commitment as Preventative Detention: The Constitutionality of the Ontario Mental Health Act” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 172.

  • Jeff Trossman, “Mandatory Drug Testing in Sports: the Law in Canada” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 191.

  • Robert Yalden, “Administrative Law after the Charter: A Review of DJ Baum, Cases and Materials on Administrative Law” (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 220.

  • Mark Crawford, Book Review of Competing Constitutional Visions: the Meech Lake Accord by KE Swinton & Carol Rogerson, (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 229.

  • James Penner, Book Review of Dwelling on the Threshold by Allan C Hutchison, (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 238.

  • Howard Silverman, Book Review of Canadian Competition Policy: A Legal and Economic Analysis by Bruce Dunlop, David McQueen & Michael Trebilcock, (1989) 47:1 UT Fac L Rev 248.

1988 - Volume 46

Issue 2 - Spring 1988

  • Carl Stychin, “The Rivers and Streams Dispute: A Challenge to the Public/Private Distinction in Nineteenth-Century Canada” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 341.

  • Robert Yalden, “Unité et Différence: The Structure of Thought in Late Nineteenth-Century Quebec” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 365.

  • Donald J McMahon, “Law and Public Authority: Sir John Beverley Robinson and the Purposes of the Criminal Law” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 390.

  • Richard Gold, “Sir Lyman Duff and the Fork in the Road” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 424.

  • Jonathan Stainsby, “The Possibility of Legal Change: Pragmatism and Legal Theory” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 456.

  • James Penner, “The Rules of Law: Wittgenstein, Davidson, and Weinrib's Formalism” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 488.

  • Laurence Grafstein, “Whose Company Is it, Anyway?: Recent Developments in Canadian Takeover Law” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 522.

  • David G Duff, “The Supreme Court and the New Family Law: Working through the Pelech Trilogy” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 542.

  • Rebecca Weatherhead, “Approximating Justice in an Imperfect World: A Theory of Progression toward a Just Order in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 568.

  • Robert Howse, “The Courts, the International Debt Crisis, and the Dilemma of Rescheduling: Rethinking the Allied Bank Decision” (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 578.

  • Greg Lyndon, Book Review of Balance of Payments Adjustments, 1945 to 1986: The IMF Experience by Margaret Garritsen de Vries, (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 596.

  • David Ross, Book Review of The International Court of Justice at a Crossroads by Lori Fisler Damrosch, ed, (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 600.

  • Georgina Carson, Book Review of Spousal Property Rights under the Ontario Family Law by Julien Payne, (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 606.

  • Rick Coburn, Book Review of Crawford and Falconbridge: Banking and Bills of Exchange 8th ed by Bradley Crawford, (1988) 46:2 UT Fac L Rev 612.

Issue 1 - Winter 1988

  • Ian Johnstone, “Section 7 of the Charter and Constitutionally Protected Welfare” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • John Terry, “Sovereignty, Subsidies, and Countervailing Duties in the Context of the Canada-United States Trading Relationship” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 48.

  • Chun Gu, “The Applicable Law and Dispute Settlement in East-West Trade” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 96.

  • Robert Yalden, “Deference and Coherence in Administrative Law: Rethinking Statutory Interpretation” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 136.

  • Martha Shaffer, “Divorce Mediation: A Feminist Perspective” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 162.

  • Carl Stychin, “Formalism, Liberalism, Federalism: David Mills and the Rule of Law Vision in Canada” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 201.

  • Laurence Grafstein, “Look Back in Anger: The 1987 Constitutional Accord, Report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 226.

  • Robert Howse, “Dolphin Delivery: The Supreme Court and the Public/Private Distinction in Canadian Constitutional Law” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 248.

  • Jonathan Stainsby, “Plus ça change… : Education and Equality Rights in the Supreme Court” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 259.

  • Laurence Grafstein, “Out of Focus: A Thematic Critique of the Task Force on Broadcasting Policy” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 271.

  • Richard C Owens, “For No One's Benefit: Canada's Use of Foreign Aid To Subsidize Exports” (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 303.

  • Don Eady, Book Review of Putting the Charter To Work: Designing a Constitutional Labour Code by David M Beatty, (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 315.

  • Peter Lin, Book Review of Law's Empire by RM Dworkin, (1988) 46:1 UT Fac L Rev 322.

1987 - Volume 45

Issue 2 - Fall 1987

  • Margo Wilson, “Impacts of the Uncertainty of Paternity on Family Law” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 216.

  • Michael Vernon Mackay, “Spousal Support: Law Reform and the Forms of Justice” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 243.

  • Catherine Welsh, “Apportioning Degrees Earned during Marriage: An Equitable Justification” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 272.

  • Sheila M Holmes, “Imposed Joint Legal Custody: Children's Interests or Parental Rights?” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 300.

  • Margaret Leighton, “Handmaids' Tales: Family Benefits Assistance and the Single-Mother-Led Family” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 324.

  • Timothy AO Endicott, “The Criminality of Wife Assault” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 355.

  • Jenifer Aitken, “A Stranger in the Family: The Legal Status of Domestic Workers in Ontario” (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 394.

  • Allison Hudgins, Book Review of Gender Justice by David L Kirp, Mark G Yudof & Marlene Strong Franks, (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 416.

  • Gisele Miller, Book Review of Litigating the Values of a Nation: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by Joseph M Weiler & Robin M Elliot, eds, (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 426.

  • Neil Fenna, Book Review of Law and Justice in a New Land: Essays in Western Canadian Legal History by Louis Knafla, ed, (1987) 45:2 UT Fac L Rev 430.

Issue 1 - Spring 1987

  • Nitya Duclos, “Breaking the Dependency Circle: The Family Law Act Reconsidered” (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Audrey Macklin, “Bound to Freedom: The Ulysses Contract and the Psychiatric Will” (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 37.

  • Howard Law, “The Role of the Arbitrator: A Critical Version” (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 69.

  • Roberty Kerry Wilkins, “"The Person you're Supposed To Become": The Politics of the Law School Experience” (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 98.

  • Alva Orlando, “Exclusive Possession of the Family Home: The Plight of Battered Cohabitees” (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 153.

  • Tom Melville, “An Issue of Confidentiality: Widened Disclosure in the Clinical Context” (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 179.

  • Robert Lando, Book Review of The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech in America by Lee C Bollinger, (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 187.

  • David Martin, Book Review of Securities Regulation of Takeover Bids in Canada by John TD Courtright, (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 191.

  • Robert Howse, Book Review of Crime and Human Nature by James Q Wilson and Richard J Herrnstein, (1987) 45:1 UT Fac L Rev 193.

1986 - Volume 44

Issue 2 - Fall 1986

  • Bruce Chapman, “Criminal Law Liability and Fundamental Justice: Toward a Theory of Substantive Judicial Review” (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 153.

  • Byron M Sheldrick, “Shifting Burdens and Required Inferences: The Constitutionality of Reverse Onus Clauses” (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 179.

  • Kent Roach, “Constitutionalizing Disrepute: Exclusion of Evidence after Therens” (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 209.

  • Kent Roach, Book Review of Perspectives in Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of John LIJ Edwards by Anthony Doob and Edward Greenspan, eds, (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 257.

  • Elizabeth Jollimore, Book Review of The Supreme Court of Canada: History of the Institution by James G Snell & Frederick Vaughan, (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 264.

  • Richard Blair, Book Review of Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law by James B Atleson, (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 265.

  • Byron M Sheldrick, Book Review of Criminal Law, 2d ed by Alan W Mewett & Morris Manning, (1986) 44:2 UT Fac L Rev 271.

Issue 1 - Spring 1986

  • Darlene M Johnston, “The Quest of the Six Nations Confederacy for Self-Determination” (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Stathis Potamitis, “Competition in International Satellite Telecommunications Services” (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 33.

  • William S Maslechko, “Revolution and Counter-revolution: An Examination of the Continuing Debate over "Interest Analysis" in the United States and its Relevance to Canadian Conflict of Laws” (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 57.

  • Brenda Cossman, “The Precarious Unity of Feminist Theory and Practice: The Praxis of Abortion” (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 85.

  • Pam Horton, “Kamloops v Neilsen: Municipal Liability for Community Planning Negligence” (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 109.

  • Barry M Weintraub, Book Review of The Politics of the American Civil Liberties Union by William A Donohue, (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 129.

  • Howard Law, Book Review of Canadian Labour Law: A Comprehensive Text by George W Adams, (1986) 44:1 UT Fac L Rev 134.

1985 - Volume 43

Issue 2 - Winter 1985

  • Tanya Lee, “Section 7 of the Charter: An Overview” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Martha Jackman, “Interprovincial Mobility Rights Under the Charter (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 16.

  • Eric Apps, “Minority Language Education Rights” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 45.

  • Shaun Nakatsuru, “A Constitutional Right of Indian Self-Government” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 72.

  • James E Jefferson, “Loosening the Gag: Free Press and Fair Trial” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 100.

  • Michael MacDonald, “Obscenity, Censorship, and Freedom of Expression” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 130.

  • Seumas Woods, “Interrogation Law and the Charter: An American Plan for the Renovations” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 153.

  • Paul Russell, “Cruel and Unusual Treatment or Punishment: The Use of Section 12 in Prison Litigation” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 185.

  • Jillian Welch, “No Room at the Top: Interest Group Intervenors and Charter Litigation in the Supreme Court of Canada” (1985) 43:2 UT Fac L Rev 204.

Issue 1 - Spring 1985

  • Sandra Goundry, “Sexual Harassment in the Employment Context: The Legal Management of Working Women's Experience” (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Roman Stoykewych, “Street Legal: Constitutional Protection of Public Demonstration in Canada” (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 43.

  • James E Jefferson, “Gay Rights and the Charter” (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 70.

  • Robert M Scavone, “Natural Law, Obligation and the Common Good: What Finnis Can't Tell Us” (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 90.

  • Suzanne Silk Klein, “Individualism, Liberalism and the New Family Law” (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 116.

  • Robert Highley, “Comment on Perls (Exporters) Ltd v Camden London Borough Council” 1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 136.

  • Eric P Apps & Robert Kerry Wilkins, “The Prosecution of Criminal Offences” (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 145.

  • Robert Kerry Wilkins, Book Reviews of Injunctions and Specific Performance by Robert J Sharpe and The Law of Damages by SM Waddams, (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 171.

  • Robert Kerry Wilkins, Book Review of And No One Cheered: Federalism, Democracy and the Constitution Act by Keith Banting & Richard Simeon, eds, (1985) 43:1 UT Fac L Rev 175.

1984 - Volume 42

Issue 2 - Winter 1984

  • Patrick Healy, “The Process of Reform in Canadian Criminal Law” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • CL Saga, “Regulatory Offences, Infractions and Alternative Compliance Measures” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 25.

  • Helen Kersley, “Criminal Contempt: Proposals for Reform” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 41.

  • Wes Wilson, “The Political Use of Criminal Conspiracy” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 60.

  • Cynthia A MacDougall, “The Community Standards Test of Obscenity” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 79.

  • Laura Schiffer, “Euthansia and the Criminal Law” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 93.

  • Naomi Overend, “Marijuana Possession: A Criminal Act or Compliance Problem?” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 114.

  • Anthony J Saunders, “The Defence of Insanity: The Questionable Wisdom of Substantive Reform” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 129.

  • Paul B Schabas, “Intoxication and Culpability: Towards an Offence of Criminal Intoxication” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 147.

  • Edward M Morgan, “The Defence of Necessity: Justification or Excuse?” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 165.

  • Anna I MacMillan, “Equitable Sentencing: Alternatives in Reducing Disparity” (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 184.

  • Paul B Schabas, Book Review of Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada by Eugene G Ewaschuk, (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 194.

  • Laura Trachuk, Book Review of The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature by Terence P Day, (1984) 42:2 UT Fac L Rev 195.

Issue 1 - Spring 1984

  • Colleen Sheppard, “Affirmative Action in Times of Recession: The Dilemma of Seniority-Based Layoffs” (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Rosalind Conway, “No Man's Land: Confessions Not Induced By Fear of Prejudice or Hope of Advantage” (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 26.

  • Patrick Macklem, “Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Canada” (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 50.

  • Michael D Walker, “Congestion and Delay in the Provincial Court (Criminal Division)” (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 82.

  • James G Hodder, “Profiting from Tortious Use of Property: A Reply to the Lost Bargain Theory” (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 105.

  • Martin Felsky, “The Berger Affair and the Independence of the Judiciary” (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 118.

  • Paul Schabas, Book Review of Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume II by David H Flaherty, ed, (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 126.

  • Paul Daykin, Book Review of Aquaculture: The Legal Framework by Bruce H Wildsmith, (1984) 42:1 UT Fac L Rev 128.

1983 - Volume 41

  • Gus Richardson, “Interference with Contractual Relations: Is Torquay Hotel the Law in Canada?” (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Mark Freiman, “Canadian Content in Private Television: An Innisian Analysis” (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 19.

  • Bruce Woodrow, “Co-operative Housing: A Proposal for Reform” (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 34.

  • Edward Morgan, “Market Share Liability for Injurious Products: A Comment on Sindell” (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 52.

  • Peter Ballantyne, “International Liability for Acid Rain” (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 63.

  • Jay Currie, Book Review of Aerospace Law: Telecommunications Satellites by Nicholas M Matte, (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 71.

  • Paul Schabas, Book Review of Essays in the History of Canadian Law Volume I by David H Flaherty, ed, (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 74.

  • Rosalind Conway, Book Review of Criminal Procedure in Canada: Studies by Vincent M Del Buono, ed, (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 77.

  • Mara Collins, Book Review of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Commentary by Walter S Tarnopolsky & Gérald-A Beaudoin, eds, (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 79.

  • Peter Downard, Book Review of Canada and the Constitution 1979-1982: Patriation and the Charter of Rights by Edward McWhinney,(1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 82.

  • Suzanne Silk Klein, Book Review of Supreme Court Activism and Restraint by Stephen C Halpern & Charles M Lamb, eds, (1983) 41 UT Fac L Rev 85.

1982 - Volume 40

  • Harvey Groberman, “The Multiple Conspiracies Problem in Canada” (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Sean Gosnell, “Accountants' Liability to Third Parties For Negligently Prepared Financial Statements” (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 35.

  • Martha Bailey, “The Failure of Physicians to Report Child Abuse” (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 49.

  • Paul Bates, “Confirmation by Subsequent Facts” (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 67.

  • Andrew Goldsmith, “The Ontario Provincial Offences Act 1979 - A Political History of Reform” (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 88.

  • John B Edmond, Book Review of Making Canadian Indian Policy: The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970 by Sally M Weaver, (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 107.

  • Robert Aiello, Book Review of Reconcilable Differences by Paul Weiler, (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 110.

  • Fergus O'Donnell, Book Review of The Family Story by Lord Denning, (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 112.

  • Guy Pratte, “The Relevance of Comparative Law: A Critique of Alan Watson's The Making Of The Civil Law” (1982) 40 UT Fac L Rev 115.