submit a paper

The Law Review considers all submissions which comply with our submission requirements. Please review that page before submitting, as any submission which does not comply will be rejected. Please direct any questions about submissions to our Editorial Manager & Director of Submissions at Submissions for Volume 83(2) are now open, and will close on January 24, 2025 at 5 PM.

To submit, please fill out the form below, attaching PDFs of your submission and a cover letter explaining how your submission makes a novel contribution to legal scholarship. Please ensure that no personally identifiable information is included in either PDF.

By submitting, you certify that you have read and agree to our submission agreement, which discusses copyright and privacy, and importantly, the distribution requirement that the paper has not been submitted to any other journal, and will not be, for the next 12 months or until the Law Review rejects the piece for publication.


By submitting to the Law Review, you agree to be bound by this Submission Agreement, which has two parts: a Privacy Statement and a Copyright and Distribution Agreement.

privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

copyright and distribution agreement

Copyright for all submissions will remain with the author.

The author warrants that they have not submitted the piece to any other journal or online database. The author agrees not to submit the piece to any other journal for 12 months after submission, or until the Law Review rejects the piece for publication.

Should the submission be accepted for publication, the author grants the Law Review an exclusive license to publish the piece for the first time, in addition to a permanent license to reproduce and distribute the article or extracts thereof. Any subsequent publication or reproduction of the piece must bear the imprint and pagination which it bore in the Law Review's publication. Online publication requires the Law Review's express consent for 6 months after the first publication.