Past Articles: Volumes 50-59

2001 - Volume 59

Issue 2 - Spring 2001

Issue 1 - Winter 2001

2000 - Volume 58

Issue 2 - Spring 2000

Issue 1 - Winter 2000

1999 - Volume 57

Issue 2 - Spring 1999

  • Karina Miriam Wyman, “Appointments to Adjudicative Tribunals: Politics and the Courts” (1999) 57:2 UT Fac L Rev 101.

  • Glen Loutzenhiser, “Holding Revenue Canada to Its Word: Estoppel in Tax Law” (1999) 57:2 UT Fac L Rev 127.

  • Trevor Knight, “Dual Nature of Cultural Products: An Analysis of the World Trade Organization's Decisions Regarding Canadian Periodicals” (1999) 57:2 UT Fac L Rev 165.

Issue 1 - Winter 1999

  • Trevor Knight, “Unconstitutional Democracy? A Charter Challenge to Canada's Electoral System” (1999) 57:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Timothy Hughes, “Income Tax Implications of the Non-Dispositive Transfer of Equity Securities” (1999) 57:1 UT Fac L Rev 43.

  • Jennifer Llewellyn & Sandra Raponi, “Protection of Human Rights through International Criminal Law: A Conversation with Madam Justice Louise Arbour, Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda” (1999) 57:1 UT Fac L Rev 83.

1998 - Volume 56

Issue 2 - Spring 1998

  • Anna Zalewski & Edward M Hyland, “Fifty Years Later, the Story Continues” (1998) 56:2 UT Fac L Rev 173.

  • Patricia Fry, “A Social Biosphere: Environmental Impact Assessment the Innu, and Their Environment” (1998) 56:2 UT Fac L Rev 177.

  • Logan Atkinson, “Coming to Term with Procedure: The Potential of the “Ideal Speech Situation” for Michael Walzer's Communitarian Justice” (1998) 56:2 UT Fac L Rev 223.

  • Craig Forcese, “Municipal Buying Power and Human Rights in Burma: The Case for Canadian Municipal ‘Selective Purchasing’ Policies” (1998) 56:2 UT Fac L Rev 251.

  • Michael H Clifton, “Competing Myths and Realities of Japanese Law: A Review of Three Comprehensive Texts” (1998) 56:2 UT Fac L Rev 283.

Issue 1 - Winter 1998

  • Anna Zalewski & Edward M Hyland, “Private Dilemmas, Public Concerns: Converging Visions?” (1998) 56:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Jason Herbert, “Conflict of Laws and Judicial Perspectives on Federalism: A Principled Defence of Tolofson v Jensen” (1998) 56:1 UT Fac L Rev 3.

  • David A Crerar, “Restitutionary Class Action: Canadian Class Proceedings Legislation As a Vehicle for the Restitution of Unlawfully Demanded Payments, Ultra Vires Taxes, and Other Unjust Enrichments” (1998) 56:1 UT Fac L Rev 47.

  • Julia E Lawn, “John Doe Injunction in Mass Protest Cases” (1998) 56:1 UT Fac L Rev 101.

  • Craig Martin, “Unequal Shadows: Negotiation Theory and Spousal Support under Canadian Divorce Law” (1998) 56:1 UT Fac L Rev 135.

  • Kate Kempton & Malcolm MacLaren, “The Protection of Human Rights in South Africa: A Conversation with Justice Arthur Chaskalson, President of the Constitutional Court of South Africa” (1998) 56:1 UT Fac L Rev 161.

1997 - Volume 55

Issue 2 - Spring 1997

  • David Fewer, “Constitutionalizing Copyright” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 175.

  • Colin CJ Feasby, “Public Opinion Poll Restrictions, Elections, and the Charter” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 241.

  • Gareth Morley, “A Just Measure of Pain? Sentencing and Sentencing Reform in the Era of the Charter” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 269.

  • Geneviève Tremblay, “Les droits à l'égalité et l'article premier de la Charte Canadienne des droits et libertés” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 303.

  • Richard D Bell, “Prenatal Substance Abuse and Judicial Intervention in Pregnancy: Winnipeg Child and Family Services v G(DF)” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 321.

  • Julia Lawn & Andrew Bernstein, “Primacy to Privacy? The Supreme Court and the Privacy Threshold in Edwards” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 341.

  • Jennifer Bol, “Using the Inter-American System to Pursue International Labour Rights: A Case Study of the Guatemalan Maquiladoras” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 351.

  • Malcolm MacLaren, “A History of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 375.

  • Chilwin Chienhan Cheng, “Touring the Museum: A Comment on R v Van der Peet” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev  419.

  • Anna Zalewski, “From Sparrow to Van der Peet: The Evolution of a Definition of Aboriginal Rights” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 435.

  • Jennifer Bol, “A Review of Robert Martin's Media Law” (1997) 55:2 UT Fac L Rev 457.

Issue 1 - Winter 1997

  • Nicole LaViolette, “The Immutable Refugees: Sexual Orientation in Canada (AG) v Ward” (1997) 55:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Patrick Moyer, “The Regulation of Corporate Law by Securities Regulators: A Comparison of Ontario and the United States” (1997) 55:1 UT Fac L Rev 43.

  • Christopher Gosnell, “The Personal Liability of Corporate Agents: Who Should Bear Pure Economic Losses?” (1997) 55:1 UT Fac L Rev 77.

  • Rajvinder Sahni, “Crossing the Line: R v Thibert and the Defence of Provocation” (1997) 55:1 UT Fac L Rev 143.

  • Jeremy Dolgin, “A Radical Betrayal: A Review Essay of Allan Hutchinson’s Waiting for Coraf” (1997) 55:1 UT Fac L Rev 153.

1996 - Volume 54

Issue 2 - Spring 1996

  • Jody Langhan, “Wealth Effects and Agency Conflict in Division Management Buyouts” (1996) 54:2 UT Fac L Rev 193.

  • Daniela Bassan, “Bill C-104: Revolutionizing Criminal Investigations or Infringing on Charter Rights” (1996) 54:2 UT Fac L Rev 246.

  • Marcia T Moffat, “Directors' Dilemma–An Economic Evaluation of Directors' Liability for Environmental Damages and Unpaid Wages” (1996) 54:2 UT Fac L Rev 293.

  • Andrea York, “The Inequality of Emerging Charter Jurisprudence: Supreme Court Interpretations of Section 15(1)” (1996) 54:2 UT Fac L Rev 327.

  • Joanne Skolnick, “Grappling with the Legacy of Soviet Rule: Citizenship and Human Rights in the Baltic States” (1996) 54:2 UT Fac L Rev 387.

  • David Wiseman, Book Review of Constitutional Law in Theory and Practice by David Beatty, (1996) 54:2 UT Fac L Rev 418.

Issue 1 - Winter 1996

  • Paul Horwitz, “The Sources and Limits of Freedom of Religion in a Liberal Democracy: Section 2(a) and Beyond” (1996) 54:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • P Brad Limpert, “Beyond the Rule in Mohan: A New Model for Assessing the Reliability of Scientific Evidence” (1996) 54:1 UT Fac L Rev 65.

  • Paul D Godin, “Anton Piller Orders in an Age of Scepticism: Charter Application and Other Safeguards for Judicially-Ordered Searches” (1996) 54:1 UT Fac L Rev 107.

  • Rubsun Ho, “A World That Has Walls: A Charter Analysis of Military Tribunals”  (1996) 54:1 UT Fac L Rev 149.

1995 - Volume 53

Issue 2 - Spring 1995

  • Marc Lacoursiere, “La fraude du bénéficiaire d'un crédit documentaire irrévocable: tendances actuelles et futures” (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 201.

  • John M Olynyk, “Approaches to Sorting Out Jurisdiction in a Self-Government Context” (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 235.

  • Janis Sarra, “Protecting Workers' Reproductive Health: Lessons From Quebec and Other Statutory Regimes” (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 272.

  • G Todd Stanley, “Economic Loss in Maritime Law: On Course for Reevaluating the Exclusionary Rule” (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 312.

  • Robert Hayhoe, “Fraud, the Consumer, and the Banks: The (Un-)Regulation of Electronic Funds Transfer” (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 326.

  • Larry Reimer, “Macedonia: Cultural Right or Cultural Appropriation?” (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 359.

  • Michael Farago, Book Review of Rights of Passage: Struggles for Lesbian & Gay Legal Equality by Didi Herman, (1995) 53:2 UT Fac L Rev 376.

Issue 1 - Winter 1995

  • Andrea Bowker, “Sparrow's Promise: Aboriginal Rights in the BC Court of Appeal” (1995) 53:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Paul Denis Godin, “A Comparative Study of the Exclusionary Rule and Its Standing Threshold in Canada, the United States, and New York State: The Relation of Purpose to Practice” (1995) 53:1 UT Fac L Rev 49.

  • Jason D Meretsky, “Real Estate Investment Trusts: An Analysis of the Investment Vehicle and Income Tax Implications” (1995) 53:1 UT Fac L Rev 95.

  • Paul Michell, “Restitution, 'Passing On', and the Recovery of Unlawfully Demanded Taxes: Why Air Canada Doesn't Fly” (1995) 53:1 UT Fac L Rev 130.

1994 - Volume 52

Issue 2 - Spring 1994

  • Jonathan Dawe, “The Change of Position Defence in Restitution” (1994) 52:2 UT Fac L Rev 275.

  • Kevin R Gray, “The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the Future of the Eastern Arctic: The Uncharted Path to Effective Self-Government” (1994) 52:2 UT Fac L Rev 300.

  • Paul Horwitz, “Regulating TV Violence: An Analysis of the Voluntary Code Regarding Violence in Television Programming” (1994) 52:2 UT Fac L Rev 345.

  • Nancy K Thomson, “Fundamental Justice, Stigma and Fault” (1994) 52:2 UT Fac L Rev 379.

Issue 1 - Fall 1994

  • Joyce M Crago, “The Unit of Taxation: Current Canadian Issues” (1994) 52:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Jonathan Dawe, “Standing to Challenge Searches and Seizures Under the Charter: The Lessons of the American Experience and Their Application to Canadian Law” (1994) 52:1 UT Fac L Rev 39.

  • Melody Martin, “Defending the Mentally Ill Client in Criminal Matters: Ethics, Advocacy, and Responsibility” (1994) 52:1 UT Fac L Rev 73.

  • Bettina Quistgaard, “Pornography, Harm, and Censorship: A Feminist (Re)Vision of the Right to Freedom of Expression” (1994) 52:1 UT Fac L Rev 132.

  • Peter Rusk, “Same-Sex Spousal Benefits and the Evolving Conception of Family” (1994) 52:1 UT Fac L Rev 170.

  • Angus M Gunn Jr “Council and Court: Prospects in Lockerbie for an International Rule of Law” (1994) 52:1 UT Fac L Rev 206.

1993 - Volume 51

Issue 2 - Spring 1993

  • Kevin Davis, “Controlling Racial Discrimination in Policing: A Discussion Paper” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 179.

  • Michael W Dunleavy, “The Limits of Free Trade: Sovereignty, Environmental Protection, and NAFTA” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 204.

  • Paul Michell, “Imperium by the Back Door: The Astreinte and the Enforcement of Contractual Obligations in France” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 250.

  • Valerie Oosterveld, “Refugee Status for Female Circumcision Fugitives: Building a Canadian Precedent” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 277.

  • Victor V Ramraj, “Keegstra, Butler, and Positive Liberty: A Glimmer of Hope for the Faithful” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 304.

  • Scott G Requadt, “Worlds Apart on Words Apart: Re-examining the Doctrine of Shifting Purpose in Statutory Interpretation” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 331.

  • Stéphanie Rousseau, “La CVMQ dans un marché en mutation: les effets de l'internationalisation du marché des valeurs mobilières sur le rôle de la Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec en matière d'appel public à l'épargne” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 359.

  • Robert Wisner, “Understanding Unconscionability: An Essay on Kant's Legal Theory” (1993) 51:2 UT Fac L Rev 396.

Issue 1 - Winter 1993

  • Allen Rosen, “Canada's Use of Economic Sanctions for Political and Human Rights Purposes” (1993) 51:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Amanda J Spencer, “Fugitive Rights: The Role of the Charter in Extradition Cases” (1993) 51:1 UT Fac L Rev 54.

  • Joel R Fortune, “Construing Delgamuukw: Legal Arguments, Historical Argumentation, and the Philosophy of History” (1993) 51:1 UT Fac L Rev 80.

  • Michael D Smith, “Language, Law and Social Power: Seaboyer; Gayme v R and A Critical Theory of Ideology” (1993) 51:1 UT Fac L Rev 118.

  • Paul Michell, Book Review of The Law of Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations by Donald J Bourgeois, (1993) 51:1 UT Fac L Rev 156.

1992 - Volume 50

Issue 2 - Spring 1992

  • Eugene Cipparone, “A Case Study on Interest Group Behaviour in a Federal System: The AIDS Lobby Groups in Canada” (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 131.

  • Brian J Dorrian, “Meeting "Clear and Present Dangers"? British Legal Responses to Violent Irish Nationalism” (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 161.

  • Scott G Requadt, “Lender on a Hot Tin Roof: The Developing Doctrine of Lender Liability for Environmental Cleanup in Canada” (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 194.

  • Michelle N Levy, “Jewish Law and the Holocaust”, Note (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 241.

  • Salvatore Mirandola, “Lost Chances, Cause-in-Fact, and Rationality in Medical Negligence”, Note (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 258.

  • Brian M Pukier, “Exiled on Main Street: A Ticket Scalper's Dilemma”, Note (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 280.

  • Melody R Martin, Book Review of Petticoats and Prejudice: Women and Law in Nineteenth-Century Canada by Constance Backhouse, (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 301.

  • Paul Michell, Book Review of Carl Schmitt: Politics and Theory by Paul Edward Gottfried, (1992) 50:2 UT Fac L Rev 310.

Issue 1 - Winter 1992

  • Mike Brundrett, “Demythologizing Sunday Shopping: Sunday Retail Restrictions and the Charter” (1992) 50:1 UT Fac L Rev 1.

  • Geoff R Hall, “The Quest for Native Self-Government: The Challenge of Territorial Sovereignty” (1992) 50:1 UT Fac L Rev 39.

  • Jeffrey Kowall, “Foreign Investment Restrictions in Canadian Television Broadcasting: A Call for Reform” (1992) 50:1 UT Fac L Rev 61.

  • Nora West, “Rape in the Criminal Law and the Victim's Tort Alternative: A Feminist Analysis”, Note (1992) 50:1 UT Fac L Rev 96.