Past Articles: Volumes 1-9

 1951 - Volume 9

  • The Hon JC McRuer, “Law Enforcement” (1951) 9 UT School L Rev 2.

  • J Juskaitis, “On Understanding the Supreme Court of Canada” (1951) 9 UT School L Rev 7.

  • G Landeg, “Divorce Legislation in Canada” (1951) 9 UT School L Rev 10.

  • J Colhoun, “The Judicial Spirit” (1951) 9 UT School L Rev 14.

  • C Skaftfeld, “Law of Marriage and Divorce in the Soviet Union” (1951) 9 UT School L Rev 22.

  • A Goldstein, “Racial Restrictive Covenants” (1951) 9 UT School L Rev 30.

1949-50 - Volume 8

Issue 2

  • J Juskaitis, “Russian Political Penology” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • John H Gardner, “Expert Evidence” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School  L Rev 3.

  • E Burns, “Delegation” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School  L Rev 4.

  • Gordon Landeg, “The Case of General Yamashita” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School L Rev 5.

  • Samuel Lavine, “Some Observations on Judicial Appointments” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School  L Rev 8.

  • Donald F Mackie, “The Supreme Court of Canada” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School  L Rev 9.

  • R Righton, “The Origins of the Quebec Legal System” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School  L Rev 11.

  • Wallace Fram, “The Suppression of Patents” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School L Rev 12.

  • Samuel Lavine, “Judicious Opinions on Judicial Opinions” (1949-1950) 8:2 UT School  L Rev 13.

Issue 1

  • Samuel Lavine, “For Greater Certainty in the Law” (1949-1950) 8:1 UT School L Rev 1.

  • Eric Lovekin, “Stare Decisis” (1949-1950) 8:1 UT School L Rev 3.

  • E Burns, “The Toronto Juvenile Court” (1949-1950) 8:1 UT School L Rev 4.

  • RT Smylie, “Central Authority–A Call for Restriction” (1949-1950) 8:1 UT School L Rev 5.

1948-49 - Volume 7

Issue 2

  • John Gadner, “Courts and the Motion Picture Industry” (1948-1949) 7:2 UT School L Rev 4.

  • RP Leitch, “Margarine and Prince Edward Island” (1948-1949) 7:2 UT School L Rev 5.

  • Samuel Lavine, “Criminal Procedure in Jury Trials in the Period of the Later Roman Republic” (1948-1949) 7:2 UT School L Rev 6.

  • Gerald Shea, “A Challenge” (1948-1949) 8:2 UT School L Rev 7.

Issue 1

  • Samuel Lavine, “The Jury System–Use and Abuse” (1948-1949) 7:1 UT School L Rev 1.

  • JC Miller, “Whither Democracy” (1948-1949) 7:1 UT School L Rev 4.

  • F Cunningham Adams, “Ex Libris: Criminal Justice and Social Reconstruction” (1948-1949) 7:1 UT School L Rev 5.

1947-48 - Volume 6

Issue 2

  • Patricia M Cole, “The Jury System–Heads We Keep It; Tails We Don't” (1947-1948) 6:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • JF Robinson, “Rex v Teney” (1947-1948) 6:2 UT School L Rev 5.

  • Richard H Wolford, “Legal Education in the United States, Surveyed by a Harvard Law School Student” (1947-1948) 6:2 UT School L Rev 6.

  • DJ Birtwistle, “Law, Life and William Joyce” (1947-1948) 6:2 UT School L Rev 7.

  • F Cunningham Adams, “English Studies in Criminal Science” (1947-1948) 6:2 UT School L Rev 9.

Issue 1

  • JH Gardner, “Euthanasia, Curse Or Common Sense” (1947-1948) 6:1 UT School L Rev 1.

  • JE Prothroc, “The Lawyer Meets the Scientist” (1947-1948) 6:1 UT School L Rev 4.

  • JD Macdonald, “Socialized Legal Profession Benefit Or Burden” (1947-1948) 6:1 UT School L Rev 6.

1946-47 - Volume 5

Issue 2

  • EAP Dupuch, “An Outsider Looks in” (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • Frere Kennedy et al, “Recommendation and Reform” (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 3.

  • WD Lyon, “On the Essence of Natural Law” (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 4.

  • Louis B Fox, “A Graduate Goes to London Town” (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 5.

  • FC Adams, “And Who Is My Neighbour” (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 7.

  • IE Flint, “Law and Custom in Primitive Society” (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 9.

  • Peter J Wright, Book Review of The Art of Cross-Examination by Francis L Wellman, (1946-1947) 5:2 UT School L Rev 11.

Issue 1

  • P Telford Georges, “Individualization of Punishment” (1946-1947) 5:1 UT School L Rev 1.

  • WHFK, “From Wild Lands to Lecture Rooms–a History of 45 St. George” (1946-1947) 5:1 UT School L Rev 3.

  • W Reid Donkin, “The Borstal System in England” (1946-1947) 5:1 UT School L Rev 4.

  • WHFK, “The Dominion Firebrick Decisions–Some Points in Administrative and Labour Law” (1946-1947) 5:1 UT School L Rev 8.

1945-46 - Volume 4

Issue 2

  • Helen Kinnear, “Establishing a Practice” (1945-1946) 4:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • John AG MacDonald, “The Refugee Problem” (1945-1946) 4:2 UT School L Rev 2.

  • Eugene Dupuch, “Too Old to Make News” (1945-1946) 4:2 UT School L Rev 3.

Issue 1

  • Peter Fuld, “The Two Swords” (1945-1946) 4:1 UT School L Rev 1.

  • George Tamaki, “The Canadian Citizenship Bill” (1945-1946) 4:1 UT School L Rev 3.

  • Andre Duval, “Two Sister Provinces” (1945-1946) 4:1 UT School L Rev 4.

  • “Germany Today–a First Hand Report” (1945-1946) 4:1 UT School L Rev 7.

  • WE Blatz & VL Stewart, “Psychology and Law” (1945-1946) 4:1 UT School L Rev 9.

  • Charles B Bourne, “The Cambridge School of Law” (1945-1946) 4:1 UT School L Rev 11.

1944-45 - Volume 3

Issue 2

  • NW Manley, “The New Constitution of Jamaica” (1944-1945) 3:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • Fred Kelsick, “The West Indies” (1945) 3:2 UT School L Rev 6.

Issue 1

  • Carl Morawetz, “In re: Mr Justice Hope and “Jehovah's Witnesses”” (1944-1945) 3:1 UT School L Rev 1.

1943-44 - Volume 2

Issue 2

  • Carl Morawetz, “Challenge to Ostriches–Kelsen's Normative Theory of Law” (1943-1944) 2:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • George Tamaki, “Law in Perspective” (1943-1944) 2:2 UT School L Rev 3.

  • Gloria Carpenter, “The Value of Neutrality” (1943-1944) 2:2 UT School L Rev 6.

Issue 1

  • Norman AM MacKenzie, “Education in Wartime and the Wartime Information Board” (1943-1944) 2:1 UT School L Rev 1.

  • Lou Paslawski, “The Position of War Prisoners” (1943-1944) 2:1 UT School L Rev 3.

  • Carl Morawetz, “The Doctrine of Stare Decisis” (1943-1944) 2:1 UT School L Rev 5.

1942-43 - Volume 1

Issue 2

  • LW Houlden, “Wartime Regulations Found Valid” (1942-1943) 1:2 UT School L Rev 1.

  • Peter A Vesa, “Provincial Bar Requirements” (1942-1943) 1:2 UT School L Rev 3.

  • Carl Morawetz, “The Study of Law at a European University” (1942-1943) 1:2 UT School L Rev 5.

  • WH Frere Kennedy, “The Tale of the Magic Mattress Or the Mystery of the Animated Heart-Beat” (1942-1943) 1:2 UT School L Rev 6.

Issue 1

  • CF Scott, “The Beveridge Plan in Canada” (1942-1943) 1:1 UT School L Rev 1.