Posts in Corporate Law
La meilleure défense est une bonne attaque : Placements privés et offres publiques d'achat hostiles

Cindy Lin, 2L, Rédactrice exécutive de Forum Conveniens

Suite aux modifications apportées en 2016 au régime canadien des offres publiques d’achat, certains conseils d’administration ciblés se tournent vers l’utilisation de placements privés lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à une offre hostile. Cela soulève des questions intéressantes de caractérisation : Quand les placements privés sont-ils considérés comme ayant un but légitime, par opposition à être examinés par les autorités de régulation des valeurs mobilières comme une tactique défensive inappropriée ? Dans cet article, la rédactrice éxecutive Cindy Lin fournit des orientations à ceux qui souhaitent savoir quand et comment les placements privés sont traités par les commissions.

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The Best Defence is a Good Offence: Private Placements and Hostile Takeovers

Cindy Lin, 2L, Volume 82 Executive Editor of Forum Conveniens

Following the 2016 amendments to the Canadian takeover bid regime, some target boards have turned to the use of private placements when faced with a hostile bid. This gives rise to interesting questions of characterization: When are private placements seen as having a proper purpose, versus scrutinized by securities regulators as an improper defensive tactic? In this article, Executive Editor Cindy Lin provides guidance for those who are interested in knowing when and how private placements are dealt with by the commissions.

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Où sont passées nos nouvelles? Un examination sur la proposition de loi C-18

Cindy Lin, 2L, rédactrice du volume 82 et Erin Lee, 2L, rédactrice du volume 82

Depuis la promulgation de loi C-18, Loi concernant les plateformes de communication en ligne rendant disponible du contenu de nouvelles aux personnes se trouvant au Canada, les utilisateurs des médias sociaux au Canada ont constaté une perturbation de contenu de nouvelles qu'ils peuvent consulter sur certaines plateformes. Les rédactrices du volume 82 Cindy Lin et Erin Lee examinent ce que cela signifie pour l'industrie des nouvelles au Canada et ses effets sur les utilisateurs des médias sociaux au Canada.

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Where Did Our News Go? A Look at Bill C-18

Cindy Lin, 2L, Volume 82 Executive Editor of Forum Conveniens and Erin Lee, 2L, Volume 82 Forum Editor

Since Parliament’s enactment of Bill C-18, An Act respecting online communications platforms that make news content available to persons in Canada, social media users have noticed a disruption to the news content they can view on certain platforms. Volume 82 Editors Cindy Lin and Erin Lee explore what this means for the Canadian news industry and its effects on social media users in Canada.

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Start-Up Speculation: Evaluating Recommendation 2.3 of “Examining the Canadian Competition Act in the Digital Era”

Davis Haugen, 3L, Volume 81 Senior Editor

How will the Competition Bureau’s proposed Recommendation 2.3 alter the country’s competition law landscape? Senior Editor Davis Haugen argues that the more flexible standard proposed by the Bureau will further increase existing uncertainties for mergers in the start-up space.

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Double Trouble: Interpretations of ‘Fostering Competition’ as a Purpose of Securities Law in Ontario

Madison Kerr, 3L, Senior Editor

Recently, the Securities Act (Ontario) has been amended to include the fostering of capital market competition into the established purposes of the Act, thereby influencing the interpretation and enforcement of securities law in Ontario. Senior Editor Madison Kerr discusses what fostering competition may look like in practise and identifies the two intended effects of securities law enforcement - intrajurisdictional and interjurisdictional competition.

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Understanding the New Amendments to the Canada Business Corporations Act

Gregory Ringkamp, 3L, Volume 78 Senior Editor

The Budget Implementation Act, 2019 (Bill C-97) introduces measures that will bring greater transparency and clarity to Canada’s corporate law regime. Senior Editor Gregory Ringkamp explains how this is the most significant update to the statutory fiduciary duty since the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in BCE Inc v 1976 Debentureholders.

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